Hybrid Work Support in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
I organize my hybrid stay in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region
Articles :  FR | EN | NL | IT | Toutes

EN – Well-being at work

EN - Well-being at work

Loneliness at work, how to cope with it ?

Work is an integral part of our daily lives and a large part of our personal identity. However, with the rise of remote jobs and flexible working hours, more and more people are facing a new challenge: loneliness at work.

EN - Remote Work

How to telework effectively as a team

1/ Establish ground rules

Even if team members work remotely, they must still demonstrate a set of acceptable behaviours. This is even more valid for virtual teams:

– Time slot during which team members are reachable
– Attendance at mandatory virtual meetings

o Log in on time, if possible.
o Have the right to express yourself freely.
o Listen to and respect all points of view.

EN - Well-being at work

The human aspect cannot be neglected at work

Statistics indicate that a lot of people are not happy to go to work. The working climate is becoming more and more difficult and many people are suffering from stress. Often, companies only look at the bottom line and not how the bottom line is achieved. The goal is more important than the path seems to be the motto. Fortunately, more and more companies are realizing that the human aspect cannot be neglected.

EN - Well-being at work

BE Remote – your favourite spot for hybrid working

John : “I found the best spots for skiing in the Southern French Alps with its wealth of stunning mountains, valleys and wildlife. I enjoy skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer in Vars, Isola 2000, Orcières, Serre Chevalier, Val d’Allos and Pra Loup. 300 Days of sunshine and only a few hours

EN - Well-being at work

Me time or team time ?

If you, like many people across the world, are now working 100% remotely, you might be worried about the loss of physical face to face time with your team members. Remote collaboration tools help us to compensate this loss  allowing regular communication throughout the teleworking day. Yet it seems that a high frequency of team communication could actually reduce collective intelligence.

EN - Well-being at work

How to make work meaningful?

The worldwide health crisis we are going through is undeniably changing our habits and our relationship to work. The year 2020 gave many of us time for reflection and introspection. Giving meaning to what we do is an essentiel condition for our fulfilment and well-being and more than ever relevant in a complex and uncertain professional (VUCA) environment. As long as we know why we do something and what do we do it for, we get better results and become less sensitive to stress.

EN - Well-being at work

The Importance of Active Listening

Your listening skills have a major impact on the effectiveness of your teleworking and the quality of your virtual relationships with others.

We listen to get information, to understand, to learn, influence, persuade and negotiate.

A few tips for active listening:

Pay Attention

Give the speaker your full attention, and acknowledge the message.

Look at the speaker directly through the camera.
Put aside distracting thoughts.
Avoid being distracted by environmental factors
